Media Training

Press or Media Training

The New York Times or the Wall Street Journal wants to interview you for a major story. Solid press that works to your benefit depends on how you answer questions and how you respond to the reporter. As former journalists, we help you to maintain control of the interview so your quotes do not simply just add to the article but make you look intelligent, informed and insightful.

How do you get back to the point you want to make when a reporter asks you a question that’s leading you in a direction you don’t want to go? We coach you on how to flag words and bridge back to your intended point. It can make all the difference between excellence and mediocrity.
Contact us now and we’ll get started…

Television, Radio and Webcast Training

You’re a good communicator, pretty smooth but as we say in television, the camera never blinks. One misstep, you can’t take it back and it might end up on YouTube in perpetuity. As former journalists, who have worked on the other side of the camera, we can train you to be confident and in control when you are sitting down with CNBC, CNN, CBS or any news organization or journalist. Learn how to speak directly and comfortably with reporters or straight into the lens if you are doing a remote interview to camera. Learn how to avoid reporter traps and how not to get defensive if the questioning goes in the wrong direction. Learn how to develop poise and panache so they call you back again and again as their go to expert.

Contact us now and we’ll get started…

Speech Training

You have to deliver a major speech to an important audience. You want to leave a positive, lasting impression. We coach you on how to present targeted messages, memorable quotes and clear, distinct communications. We show you how to connect to your audience, to be relaxed, extemporaneous, interesting and authoritative. Our speech training sessions have been very successful in helping our corporate clients to enhance the image of their company, themselves and to build their business. Speeches are easier than you think when you have the right tool kit and the right coaching to ensure you give a stellar presentation.